
John R. Speakman,博士,中科院遗传与发育研究所研究员。

Email: J.speakman@genetics.ac.cn


Bachelor of Science with Honours in Biology and Psychology, University of Stirling, Scotland. 1980.

Doctor of Philosophy, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland. 1984.

Doctor of Science, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland.1996. DSc (Ab)

Doctor of Science, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland. 2009. DSc (St)


University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK : research fellow (1985-1989), lecturer (1989-1993), senior lecturer (1993-1995), reader (1995-1997), Professor (1997-date).

Honorary clinical research professor NHS Grampian (2003 – date),

Seconded part time Head Division of Appetite and obesity, Rowett research Institute (2000-2005).

Director, Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences [IBES] (2007 – 2011)

Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology CAS, Beijing, '1000 talents' professor (2011-date)

Advisory boards

Barshop Institute Scientific Advisory Board, San Antonio Texas (2005-2010),

Methusalah mouse prize scientific advisory board (2008-date),

Masterfoods global palatability platform advisory board (2001-2007),

National Institute of Ageing, USA, Data Safety and Monitoring Board (CALERIE project) (2002 – date), American Society of Nutrition, Expert panel on Energy Expenditure (2011)

Selected publications are as follows.

Tschöp, M.H*., SPEAKMAN, J.R.* …(20 other authors) …Kahn, C.R., and Ravussin,E. (2011: in press) A guide to analysis of mouse energy metabolism Nature methods *Joint first authors

SPEAKMAN, J.R. (2010) FTO effect on energy demand versus food intake Nature 464: E1 DOI: 10.1038/nature08807

SPEAKMAN, J.R. (2007) A novel non-adaptive scenario explaining the genetic pre-disposition to obesity: the 'predation release' hypothesis. CELL metabolism 6: 5-11

Scantlebury, M., SPEAKMAN, J.R., Oosthuizen, M.K., Roper, T., & Bennett, N.C. (2006) Energetics reveals physiologically distinct castes in a eusocial mammal. Nature. 440: 795-797

Humphries, M.M., Thomas, D.W. & SPEAKMAN, J.R. (2002) Climate mediated energetic constraints on the distribution of hibernating bats. Nature 418: 313-316

Thomas, D.W., Blondel, J., Perret, P., Lambrechts, M.M. and SPEAKMAN, J.R (2001)Energetic and fitness costs of mismatching resource supply and demand in seasonally breeding birds.Science 291: 2598-2600.

Thomas, D.W., Blondel, J., Perret, P., Lambrechts, M.M. and SPEAKMAN, J.R. (2001) Variation in food supply, time of breeding, and energy expenditure in birds Science 294: U1-U2

Gorman, M.L., Mills, M.G., Raath, J.P. and SPEAKMAN, J.R. (1998) High hunting costs make African wild dogs vulnerable to kleptoparasitism by hyenas. Nature 391: 479-481. ** front coverr 

SPEAKMAN, J.R. and Thomson, S.C. (1994) Flight capabilities of Archaeopteryx.Nature 370: 514.

and Thomson, S.C. (1994) Flight capabilities of Archaeopteryx.370: 514.

SPEAKMAN, J.R. and Racey, P.A. (1991) No cost of echolocation for bats in flight.Nature 350: 421-423. ** front cover

and Racey, P.A. (1991) No cost of echolocation for bats in flight.350: 421-423. ** front cover


J.R. SPEAKMAN (Editor) (2001) Body composition analysis in animals: A handbook of non-destructive methods. Cambridge University Press.

J.R. SPEAKMAN (1997) Doubly-labelled water: Theory and practice.Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York(1997)Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York