


1989年毕业于武汉大学,1996年获得博士学位;1997-2000:美国德克萨斯大学修斯顿人类遗传学中心博士后,, 2001美国辛辛那提大学医学院助理教授,2001至今为昆明动物所研究员。在现代人类起源迁徙,人类高原适应机制,特别是高等灵长类大脑和智力起源进化研究方面取得了丰硕的成果,已在Science、Nature、Nature Reviews Genetics、Nature Biotechnology、PNAS、American Journal of Human Genetics、Genome Research和Molecular Biology and Evolution等核心刊物上发表论文120余篇。近年来在灵长类脑容量大小和智力的进化以及人类基因在猴子转移方面取得了突破性进展,为本专项脑容量大小、高原适应和猴子转基因等内容的研究奠定坚实的前期基础。



1. Su, B. et al. Y-Chromosome evidence for a northward migration of modern humans into Eastern Asia during the last Ice Age. Am J Hum Genet 65, 1718-24. (1999)

2. Jin, L. & Su, B. Natives or immigrants: modern human origin in east Asia. Nat Rev Genet 1, 126-33. (2000)

3. Su, B., Jin, L., Underhill, P., Martinson, J., Saha, N., McGarvey, S.T., Shriver, M.D., Chu, J., Oefner, P., Chakraborty, R. & Deka, R. Polynesian origins: insights from the Y chromosome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 97, 8225-8. (2000)

4. Ke, Y.H. Su, B.(co-first authors), et al. African origin of modern humans in East Asia: A tale of 12,000 Y chromosomes. Science 292, 1151-1153. (2001)

5. Li, Y., Qian, Y.P., Yu, X.J., Wang, Y.Q., Dong, D.G., Sun, W., Ma, R.M. & Su, B.* Recent origin of a hominoid-specific splice form of neuropsin, a gene involved in learning and memory. Mol Biol Evol 21, 2111-5. (2004)

6. Wang, Y.Q. & Su, B.* Molecular evolution of microcephalin, a gene determining human brain size. Hum Mol Genet 13, 1131-7. (2004)

7. Wen, B., Li, H., Lu, D., Song, X., Zhang, F., He, Y., Li, F., Gao, Y., Mao, X., Zhang, L., Qian, J., Tan, J., Jin, J., Huang, W., Deka, R., Su, B., Chakraborty, R. & Jin, L. Genetic evidence supports demic diffusion of Han culture. Nature 431, 302-5. (2004)

8. Shi, H., Dong, Y.L., Wen, B., Xiao, C.J., Underhill, P.A., Shen, P.D., Chakraborty, R., Jin, L. & Su, B.* Y-chromosome evidence of southern origin of the East Asian-specific haplogroup O3-M122. Am J Hum Genet 77, 408-19. (2005)

9. Wang, Y.Q., Qian, Y.P., Yang, S., Shi, H., Liao, C.H., Zheng, H.K., Wang, J., Lin, A.A., Cavalli-Sforza, L.L., Underhill, P.A., Chakraborty, R., Jin, L. & Su, B.* Accelerated evolution of the pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide precursor gene during human origin. Genetics 170, 801-6. (2005)

10. Lu, Z.X., Peng, J. & Su, B.* A human-specific mutation leads to the origin of a novel splice form of neuropsin (KLK8), a gene involved in learning and memory. Hum Mutat 28, 978-84. (2007)

11. Zhang, R., Peng, Y., Wang, W. & Su, B.* Rapid evolution of an X-linked microRNA cluster in primates. Genome Res 17, 612-7. (2007)

12. Shi, H., Zhong, H., Peng, Y., Dong, Y.L., Qi, X.B., Zhang, F., Liu, L.F., Tan, S.J., Ma, R.L., Xiao, C.J., Wells, S., Jin, L. & Su, B.* Y chromosome evidence of earliest modern human settlement in East Asia and multiple origins of Tibetan and Japanese populations. BMC Biol 6, 45. (2008)

13. Wang, J.K., Li, Y. & Su, B.* A common SNP of MCPH1 is associated with cranial volume variation in Chinese population. Hum Mol Genet 17, 1329-35. (2008)

14. Wu, H.H. & Su, B.* Adaptive evolution of SCML1 in primates, a gene involved in male reproduction. BMC Evol Biol 8, 192. (2008)

15. Zhang, R. & Su, B.* MicroRNA regulation and the variability of human cortical gene expression. Nucleic Acids Res 36, 4621-8. (2008)

16. Zhang, R., Wang, Y.Q. & Su, B.* Molecular evolution of a primate-specific microRNA family. Mol Biol Evol 25, 1493-502. (2008)

17. Lu, Z.X., Huang, Q. & Su, B.* Functional characterization of the human-specific (type II) form of kallikrein 8, a gene involved in learning and memory. Cell Res 19, 259-67. (2009)

18. Shi, H., Tan, S.J., Zhong, H., Hu, W., Levine, A., Xiao, C.J., Peng, Y., Qi, X.B., Shou, W.H., Ma, R.L., Li, Y., Su, B.* & Lu, X. Winter temperature and UV are tightly linked to genetic changes in the p53 tumor suppressor pathway in Eastern Asia. Am J Hum Genet 84, 534-41. (2009)

19. Peng, Y., Shi, H., Qi, X.B., Xiao, C.J., Zhong, H., Ma, R.L. & Su, B.* The ADH1B Arg47His polymorphism in east Asian populations and expansion of rice domestication in history. BMC Evol Biol 10, 15. (2010)

20. Zhong, H., Shi, H., Qi, X.B., Xiao, C.J., Jin, L., Ma, R.Z. & Su, B.* Global distribution of Y-chromosome haplogroup C reveals the prehistoric migration routes of African exodus and early settlement in East Asia. J Hum Genet 55, 428-35. (2010)

21. Peng, Y., Yang, Z., Zhang, H., Cui, C., Qi, X., Luo, X., Tao, X., Wu, T., Ouzhuluobu, Basang, Ciwangsangbu, Danzengduojie, Chen, H., Shi, H. & Su, B.* Genetic variations in Tibetan populations and high-altitude adaptation at the Himalayas. Mol Biol Evol 28, 1075-81. (2011)

22. Zhong, H., Shi, H., Qi, X.B., Duan, Z.Y., Tan, P.P., Jin, L., Su, B.* & Ma, R.Z.* Extended Y-chromosome investigation suggests post-Glacial migrations of modern humans into East Asia via the northern route. Mol Biol Evol 28, 717-727. (2011)