
Philipp Khaitovich,博士,研究员。


Philipp Khaitovich教授1994年和1999年在俄罗斯莫斯科国立大学和美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校先后获得生物学学士和博士学位;1999年至2012年先后在美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校,德国马普进化人类学研究所从事科研工作;2006年获得德国马普学会青年科学家小组资助;2011年获马普进化人类学研究所教授职位;2012年9月起受聘中国科学院上海生命科学研究院。

Philipp Khaitovich教授的研究工作主要聚焦在两个方向:






1. Hu HY, He L, Fominykh K, Yan Z, Guo S, Zhang X, Taylor MS, Tang L, Li J, Liu J, Wang W, Yu H, Khaitovich P. (2012) Evolution of the human-specific microRNA miR-941. Nat Commun.2012 Oct 23;3:1145. doi: 10.1038/ncomms2146.

2. Han Y, Han D, Yan Z, Boyd-Kirkup JD, Green CD, Khaitovich P, Han JD. (2012) Stress-associated H3K4 methylation accumulates during postnatal development and aging of Rhesus macaque brain. Aging Cell. 2012 Sep 15. doi: 10.1111/acel.12007.

3. Weng K, Hu H, Xu AG, Khaitovich P, Somel M. (2012) Mechanisms of Dietary Response in Mice and Primates: A Role for EGR1 in Regulating the Reaction to Human-Specific Nutritional Content. PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e43915. Epub 2012 Aug 24.

4. Yuan Y, Chen YP, Boyd-Kirkup J, Khaitovich P, Somel M. (2012) Accelerated aging-related transcriptome changes in the female prefrontal cortex. Aging Cell. 2012 Jul 11. doi: 10.1111/j.1474-9726.2012.00859.x.

5. Khaitovich P. (2012) Layer cake: the first bite at gene expression diversity in the human brain. Genome Biol. 13(5):157

6. Khrameeva EE, Mironov AA, Fedonin GG, Khaitovich P, Gelfand MS. (2012) Spatial proximity and similarity of the epigenetic state of genome domains. PloS One.2012;7(4):e33947. Epub 2012 Apr 4

7. Liu X, Somel M, Tang L, Yan Z, Jiang X, Guo S, Yuan Y, He L, Oleksiak A, Zhang Y, Li N, Hu Y, Chen W, Qiu Z, Pääbo S, Khaitovich P. (2012) Extension of cortical synaptic development distinguishes humans from chimpanzees and macaques. Genome Res, (2012-02-02)

8. Somel M, Liu X, Tang L, Yan Z, Hu H, Guo S, Jiang X, Zhang X, Xu G, Xie G, Li N, Hu Y, Chen W, Pääbo S, Khaitovich P. (2011) MicroRNA-Driven Developmental Remodeling in the Brain Distinguishes Humans from Other Primates. PLoS Biol. 9(12): e1001214.

9. Brawand D, Soumillon M, Necsulea A, Julien P, Csárdi G, Harrigan P, Weier M, Liechti A, Aximu-Petri A, Kircher M, Albert FW, Zeller U, Khaitovich P, Grutzner F, Bergmann S, Nielsen R, Pääbo S, Kaessmann H. (2011) The evolution of gene expression levels in mammalian organs. Nature Oct 19;478(7369):343-8.

10. Hu HY, Guo S, Jiang X, Yan Z, Fu Ning, Zhang X, Menzel C, Liang H, Yang H, Zhao M, Zeng R, Chen W, Pääbo S, Khaitovich P. (2011) MicroRNA Expression and Regulation in Human, Chimpanzee, and Macaque Brains. PLoS Genetics. 7(10): e1002327.

11. Yuan Y, Chen YP, Ni S, Xu AG, Tang L, Vingron M, Somel M, Khaitovich P. (2011) Development and application of a modified dynamic time warping algorithm (DTW-S) to analyses of primate brain expresion time series. BMC Bioinformatics. 12(1):347

12. Jin C, Li J, Green CD, Yu X, Tang X, Han D, Xian B, Wang D, Huang X, Cao X, Yan Z, Hou L, Liu J, Shukeir N, Khaitovich P, Chen C D, Zhang H, Jenuwein T, Han JD. (2011) Histone Demethylase UTX-1 Regulates C. elegans Life Span by Targeting the Insulin/IGF-1 Signaling Pathway. Cell Metabolism. 14(2):161-172.

13. Yan Z, Hu H, Jiang X, Maierhofer V, Neb E, He L, Hu Y, Hu H, Li N, Chen W and Khaitovich P. (2011) Widespread expression of piRNA-like molecules in somatic tissues. Nucleic Acids Research. May 5.

14. Fu X, Giavalisco P, Liu X, Catchpole G, Fu N, Ning ZB, Guo S, Yan Z, Somel M, Pääbo S, Zeng R, Willmitzer L, Khaitovich P. (2011) Rapid metabolic evolution in human prefrontal cortex.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Mar 28.

15. Somel M, Guo S, Fu N, Yan Z, Hu HY, Xu Y, Yuan Y, Ning Z, Hu Y, Menzel C, Hu H, Lachmann M, Zeng R, Chen W, Khaitovich P. (2010) MicroRNA, mRNA, and protein expression link development and aging in human and macaque brain. Genome Res 20(9):1207-18.

16. Xu AG, He L, Li Z, Xu Y, Li M, Fu X, Yan Z, Yuan Y, Menzel C, Li N, Somel M, Hu H, Chen W, Pääbo S, Khaitovich P. (2010) Intergenic and repeat transcription in human, chimpanzee and macaque brains measured by RNA-Seq. PLoS Comput Biol 1;6:e1000843.

17. Shao NY, Hu HY, Yan Z, Xu Y, Hu H, Menzel C, Li N, Chen W, Khaitovich P. (2010) Comprehensive survey of human brain microRNA by deep sequencing. BMC Genomics11:409.

18. Khaitovich P. (2010) Annotating conserved and novel features of primate transcriptomes using sequencing. Genome Biol 11(7):125.

19. Hu HY, Yan Z, Xu Y, Hu H, Menzel C, Zhou YH, Chen W, Khaitovich P. (2009) Sequence features associated with microRNA strand selection in humans and flies. BMC Genomics10:413.

20. Fu X, Fu N, Guo S, Yan Z, Xu Y, Hu H, Menzel C, Chen W, Li Y, Zeng R, Khaitovich P. (2009) Estimating accuracy of RNA-Seq and microarrays with proteomics. BMC Genomics10(1):161

21. Somel M, Franz H, Yan Z, Lorenc A, Guo S, Giger T, Kelso J, Nickel B, Dannemann M, Bahn S, Webster MJ, Weickert CS, Lachmann M, Pääbo S, Khaitovich P. (2009) Transcriptional neoteny in the human brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106(14):5743-8.

22. Khaitovich P, Lockstone HE, Wayland MT, Tsang TM, Jayatilaka SD, Guo AJ, Zhou J, Somel M, Harris LW, Holmes E, Pääbo S, Bahn S. (2008) Metabolic changes in schizophrenia and human brain evolution. Genome Biol. 9(8):R124.

23. Somel M, Creely H, Franz H, Mueller U, Lachmann M, Khaitovich P, Pääbo S. (2008) Human and chimpanzee gene expression differences replicated in mice fed different diets. PLoS ONE 3(1):e1504.

24. Khaitovich P. (2007) Brain expression--is it all in our SNPs? Mol Syst Biol. 3:155

25. Fu, N., Drinnenberg, I., Kelso, J., Wu, J.R., Paabo, S., Zeng, R., and Khaitovich, P. (2007). Comparison of protein and mRNA expression evolution in humans and chimpanzees. PLoS ONE 2, e216.

26. Somel, M., Khaitovich, P., Bahn, S., Paabo, S., and Lachmann, M. (2006). Gene expression becomes heterogeneous with age. Curr Biol 16, R359-360.

27. Khaitovich, P., Tang, K., Franz, H., Kelso, J., Hellmann, I., Enard, W., Lachmann, M., and Paabo, S. (2006). Positive selection on gene expression in the human brain. Curr Biol 16, R356-358.

28. Khaitovich, P., Kelso, J., Franz, H., Visagie, J., Giger, T., Joerchel, S., Petzold, E., Green, R.E., Lachmann, M., and Paabo, S. (2006). Functionality of intergenic transcription: an evolutionary comparison. PLoS Genet 2, e171.

29. Khaitovich, P., Enard, W., Lachmann, M., and Paabo, S. (2006). Evolution of primate gene expression. Nat Rev Genet 7, 693-702.

30. Creely, H., and Khaitovich, P. (2006). Human brain evolution. Prog Brain Res 158, 295-309.

31. Khaitovich, P., Paabo, S., and Weiss, G. (2005). Toward a neutral evolutionary model of gene expression. Genetics 170, 929-939.

32. Khaitovich, P., Hellmann, I., Enard, W., Nowick, K., Leinweber, M., Franz, H., Weiss, G., Lachmann, M., and Paabo, S. (2005). Parallel patterns of evolution in the genomes and transcriptomes of humans and chimpanzees. Science 309, 1850-1854.

33. Franz, H., Ullmann, C., Becker, A., Ryan, M., Bahn, S., Arendt, T., Simon, M., Paabo, S., andKhaitovich, P. (2005). Systematic analysis of gene expression in human brains before and after death. Genome Biol 6, R112.